Record Simulation







This command allows you to record a simulation.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Simulation > Record Simulation... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the simulation to record.

  2. Click Refresh if the button is not grayed out. The button is grayed out when the simulation is updated. Refreshes can also be run from the entities tree.

  3. If a traveling is linked to the simulation it can be activated by checking the Traveling option. If several travelings exist, select the one to use by the simulation.

  4. Enter the Start time. To start at the beginning of the simulation enter 0s (default proposed value).

  5. Enter the End time. The proposed time is the total time of the scenario (default proposed value).

  6. Enter the speed value. 1 is normal speed; a higher value slows down simulation, a lower value accelerates it. Negative values are not allowed.

  7. Select the View to record. This choice is useful only if the document is displayed in several views.

  8. Increase or decrease the frame in the graphic area by moving its vertexes.

  9. Move the frame in the graphic area by moving its edges.

  10. Validate by clicking on .


Available Options:


  1. Enter the width and height of the video to record. These values are in pixels.

  2. Enter the number of images per second. For videos, generally this value is between 25 and 30. If below, the video will be smaller, but jerky.

  3. Enter the Key-frame rate if needed.

  4. Select one of the installed codecs. The same codes are necessary on the station that will playback the video. If you use Uncompressed, a video of a couple of seconds will take several hundreds of Mb on your hard disk.

  5. Modify the quality of the video by moving the cursor (grayed out for some codecs). An increase in quality increases the size of the video.

  6. Configure the codec (for advanced users). Refer to the documentation of the codec).

  7. Select the render mode from the drop down list. The render mode has a lot of influence on the calculation time and the generation of the video.

  8. Select the background of the video. The screen background can be displayed in your video as well as a black or a white background.

  9. Check Open Video to automatically open the video in the viewer defined in Windows after it has been created.

  10. Validate.

  11. Select a destination directory.



  • Several options improve video quality, but also increase size and calculation time. For example, a rendering with effects takes much longer to calculate because for 25 images/second, 25 times the effects must be calculated.

  • The most frequent video playback problem is the absence of the codec on the station trying to play the video.