Options : Assembly - General






This section allows to modify the assembly behavior.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Tools > Options... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click [+] in front of the Assembly section in the left column.

  2. Select General.



Available options:



  • Allow to synchronize several levels of assembly:

This option allows to realize operations (drillings, trimmings, ...) on assemblies with more than 2 levels.


  • Allow to derive several levels of assembly:

When this option is selected, the Derive part for modification command is available for part occurrences, regardless of the number of intermediate assembly levels. If more than one derivation document needs to be created, a message is displayed indicating the occurrences to be derived.


  • Sort when selecting code:

If activated,when including a family document into an assembly, the codes list will be displayed with the same order that the catalog table of the family. If this option is deactivated, the codes list is sorted in alpha-numeric order.


  • Preserve attributes during component Ctrl + drag:

When copying the occurrence of a component part using Ctrl + drag, the graphic attributes are kept if this option is enabled.