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This command allows to define entities to project with the representation (dimension, text, datum feature and geometric tolerance).

These entities can be projected in an assembly document (Inherit detailings elements command) or in a draft document (Detailing option of style view).


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Tools > Drafting > Detailings... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Type the name of the detailing set.

  2. Select the entities of the set (sketches, points or annotations).

  3. Select the direction in which these entities will be visibles.




The created detailings are stored in the Detailings folder of the entities tree.



Available options:




This option allows to impose the selected orientation.

Using this option, detaillings will be projected when normal of the view is the same as the selected direction only.




Linked entities allow to define entities who display detailings in the view.

For example when there are two shapes in a part document, detailing  can be linked to one of these shapes. In this case, detaillings will be display in the view when the shape is inside it only.



Modifications / Additional information:


By default detaillings are not available in upper assemblies. But it is possible to inherit them thanks to the Other > Inherit detailings elements... command by right click on the occurence.