About TopSolid



This command gives information on the TopSolid version (edition, update), the database version and that of the ParaSolid modeler.


Creation Stages / Use:


Click the About TopSolid... icon from the help button.




  • This information can be useful for the support.

  • These informations cannot be modified except for language.

  • The version can also be found in the application's banner and on the home page.



  • It is possible to change TopSolid current language by selecting a new one in the drop-down list. A restart of the application is required.



  • There are 2 notions of languages in Windows:

    • CurrentUICulture is the display language of the Windows user interface and applications.Windows user interface and applications.

    • CurrentCulture is the language of the data format: unit type (inch, mm), date type (DD/MM/YY), keyboard type (AZERTY).

It is difficult to change CurrentCulture when changing the language in About, it would change the keyboard to QWERTY for example. Therefore, it is CurrentUICulture which is changed.

When creating a document without a template, TopSolid uses CurrentCulture to define the the language of the document. It is therefore possible to have terms in another language (the Windows language) than the one specified.



NOTE: The TopSolid improvement program is an optional functionality which allows to send static informations about your TopSolid activity. No personal information is collected, datas are anonymous. You can stop this program when you want by clicking again this link.