Dimensional Tolerance Standard






This document allows to create your own linear or angular tolerance standards.

These standards will then be proposed in the section where tolerancing is available (dimensions, parameterization, etc.).


Creation stages / Use:


Create a new document by clicking the icon then select in the Special tab


When the document is created, the Bounds dialog opens.


  1. Specify the bound unit type (Length or Angle).

  2. Enter the different bounds that allow to define value ranges.

  3. Validate the dialog.


A table is then created with a symbol column and as many columns as bounds previously specified.


  1. Double-click slowly in the Symbol cell to enter the symbol name for the first line.

  2. Double-click in the cell of the first range to enter the upper deviation and lower deviation.

  3. Repeat these operations for the different ranges.

  4. Create as many lines (with its symbol) as required.




  • To modify the value of an existing bound, double-click on the corresponding column title.

  • To add/insert bounds, relaunch the Tools > Bounds... command and enter a new value in the last line. When the dialog is validated, the bounds will be sorted in ascending order.



Available options:




This option is used to specify the value type for which the standard can be used.

  • Hole: the standard can be used to add tolerance on drilling diameters.

  • Shaft: the standard can be used to add tolerance on external diameters.

  • Linear: the standard can be used to add tolerance on lengths.

  • Angular: the standard can be used to add tolerance on angles.

When adding a tolerance to an element, TopSolid automatically filters the list of possible standards. If, for example, we add tolerance on an linear dimension, TopSolid will not suggest angular standards.





This option lets you specify whether a symbol is dedicated to occasional use.

This information is useful in the dimensional tolerance standard definition document only, when reading the table. It will not appear when the standard is used in a 3D or drafting document.



Modifications / Additional information:


This document also includes import and export commands for text files, facilitating the creation and/or modification of the standard.

Choose the Tools > Import… or Tools > Export… commands from the dropdown menu.


The file extension for the text file should be changed to *.tol (e.g., TopSolid Standard.tol).

The content of the file must adhere to the following description:

Applicable only for lengths. By default, upon import, the applied units will be “mm” for the minimum bound and “µm” for deviations.




Standard without unit

Standard with angle unit