Drawing document




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This is a pure 2D document without any associativity between elements. Very easy to use, it contains 2d elements creation commands, trimming and transformation commands and detailing commands. It is useful to modify imported 2D drawing. For 2D drawing that need a more complex detailing, it is possible to include a drawing document into a drafting document (and be able to manage a title bloc for example).


Creation stages / Use:


Create a new document by click the icon, then select the icon in Advanced tab.


  1. Use the different sketch commands.



During the import of a dxf/dwg file, it is possible to select the Drawing document.



The mode Others > Accelerated display, available in context on the sketch, allows you to accelerate the display of the sketch. The display will be faster but the symbols, which allow for example to visualize the ends of profiles, are no longer displayed.

This mode is activated by default.