Fbx Export Options






This command allows you to select the Fbx export options by selecting them from the drop down list.


Creation stages / Use:


This command is launched when exporting one or several documents as Fbx.


  1. Select the export format (Ascii or Binary).

  2. Select the export Version.

  3. Select the Representation to export.

  4. Export sets as assemblies: this option allows to create a file where only the structure of the selected set is exported. This option is available for exclusive sets only.

  5. If an assembly with mechanism is exported, it is also possible to choose the configuration or the simulation to export.

  6. Simulation: This option is only available from an assembly with a simulation. In this case, a drop down list allows you to select the simulation to export.

  7. Reference frame (only for assembly): Allows to select a reference frame if needed. If no frame is selected,the absolute frame will be used.

  8. Validate.