Family |
This document allows you to define a part or an assembly family by adding codes and the corresponding values.
For example, a screw family will define the possible dimensions for a specific type of screw.
Creation stages / Use:
Create a new document by clicking the icon, then select the
icon from the Advanced tab. it is also possible to create a family document by using the contextual menu from the tab of the part or assembly.
If the document is created from the advanced tab, you have to drag from the projects tree, a part or an assembly in this document.
From the generics folder of the entities tree, drag needed parameters and/or properties near the Code column.
Create as many line as there are codes in this family. |
Available Options:
Move Column:
Select column title and then move it on the title line. Release the cursor when a blue echo appears behind another title to insert your selection. |
Sort Column:
Click on column title to sort it (sort ascending or descending). |
Delete Column:
A contextual selection on a column title allows to delete it. |
Values Unicity:
A contextual selection on a column title allows to use the Values Unicity command. This option allows to check that each values of the column are different. Cells with same values will be highlighted in red. To deactivate this option, right click again on the title to use Remove Values Unicity. |
Show Only Invalid Rows:
A contextual selection on a column title or on table cell allows to use the Show Only Invalid Rows command. If the above option was used (Values Unicity) and it gave a result, this command allows to display invalid rows only. To deactivate this option, right click again on the title to use Show All Rows. |
Insert Catalog Row:
Right click on the first cell of a row allows to insert a new row. |
Delete Catalog Row:
Right click on the first cell of a row allows to delete this row. |
Move Up/Down catalog row:
Right click on the selection cell of a row allows to access to these two commands. |
Edit family generic document:
Allows you to open the part or assembly document linked to this family. |
Import catalog:
Allows you to import a TopSolid v6 exported catalog. |
Update derived catalog:
Allows you to update a derived catalog created with the Generic document command. |
View instance:
Allows you to view in the above section, the family instance with its parameters and properties. |
Examples of TopSolid families modification possibilities:
Possibility to use a TopSolid standard component but with another matter: