





This contextual command allows you to modify the security of the project, folder or selected document.



It is recommended to give authorizations to a group of users instead of users. When creating a new user, if he is integrated in an existing group, he will automatically inherit the same authorizations than others users of this group for each existing projects / folders /documents with securities.



  • The global Security of TopSolid must be activated.

  • The project security must be activated to be able to visualize or modify authorizations of its folders or documents.



Creation Stages / Use:


Select Security... from the popup menu of the project, the folder, the document to modify.


  1. Activate security of the project if necessary by checking this option.

  2. You can add or delete users or groups by using the and icons.

  1. To define security by user or group, click "+" and select either Granted or Denied for each permission type. By default, for folders or documents, the authorization is inherited from the direct parent. If both a user and a group are defined, the user security is applied even if the user belongs to this group.

  2. The Inherit information indicates that the security comes from the direct parent. For example, if an authorization is given to the project, all folders and documents are modified to take into account this authorization.



  • Default values are inherited by the Security defined by the PDM.

  • If Activate security is not checked, the different authorizations are not taken into account.

  • Activate security is only available on a project.



  • Only users with administration rights are authorized to use this command.

  • If a user has administration rights, he has all rights even if some others are  "Denied".

  • If a user is in several groups, each with different authorizations, it is the authorization the most permissive which will be applied except if the Restrictive mode option is checked in the Security defined by the PDM.

  • When the permission is Inherited, all customized security rights of children are replaced by permissions of the parent (folder or project).



The security can be defined in a project template. Then at each project creation, this security will be applied.



Available options:


Protect with a password:

The creation or the modification a document can be protected by a password.

When the global security has been activated and a password has been defined with the PDM > Security... command, then the protection with a password is inherited and it is not possible to de-activate it.

However, another password can be defined locally on the project, a folder or a document. For this, choose the Protected mode, type the global password and then define the local password and confirm it.

For this, you have to choose the Protected mode and then click on the Modify button in order to define and confirm the password.

Once the local password has been defined, you can get back to the global password by choosing the Inherited mode, the local password is required to make this modification.


When the global security has not been activated, you can define a password locally on the project, a folder or a document.

For this, you have to choose the Protected mode and then click on the Modify button in order to define and confirm the password.

Once the security with password has been defined, the Non protected mode allows you to de-activate it, however, the password is required to make this modification.