Redirect references





This command allows you to redirect the current documents references. For example, if an assembly uses parts that have evolved (P1.A has become P1.B), you can redirect the assembly to part P1.B instead of P1.A.


Creation Stages / Use:


Select the Redirection > Redirect References... command from the popup menu on the object in the projects tree.



You can click in the last column to manually select the desired major version of the object, or the last minor revision of the last major revision. For example, if P1's history is P1.A.1 (minor), P1.A.2 (minor), P1.A (major), P1.B.1 (minor), P2.B.2 (minor), you can select P1.A and P1.B.2



Click the part of the assembly to highlight the corresponding line and click one of the lines to highlight the corresponding part in the open assembly document.



Available Options:



This command is identical to the Redirect references to the last major revision command but only relates to the current document. It allows you to redirect references to the last major revision. For example, an assembly consists of 2 validated parts (Part1.A and Part2.A). These 2 parts have changed independently from the assembly (Part1.A has become Part1.Ben and Part2.A has become Part2.Edo); you can redirect the assembly to their latest revision. The assembly will then reference Part1.A and Part2.E.



This command allows you to redirect all references to the latest available minor revisions or the last major revision. For example, if the last major revision (P1.B for example) has not been modified, it will be selected for redirection. It the last major revision has been modified, the latest minor revision will be selected (for example, P1.C.4).



When clicking on this command, the display updates itself depending on the redirects you selected.