Import/Export Catia V5 / V6 - CATPART / CATPRODUCT







Export (only Catia v5)

Menu Access

Import file

Export document


Interface features:


See the Overview of files exchanges for informations about the maximum supported version,  if operations, assembly and PMI are managed. It is also useful to know which topology and attributes are exchanged.


Interface editor: Spatial.

File extensions: .CATPart , .CATProduct

Interface type: two-way.

Data type: 3D wireframe, surface and volume.



  • This interface is optional.

  • Catia V4 files cannot be retrieved using this interface. You need the Catia V4 interface to do so.

  • This interface does not support drafts, in which case it is better to use the Iges or DXF/DWG interfaces.