Property to search for





This list allows you to select the property to search for.


Stages of use:

This function is accessible in the search tool, by clicking on

Click the Property column or select the desired property from the drop-down window.



The results will be displayed in the lower part of the search window.



If the message "Too many results: Refine your search criteria" appears, you must:

  • Modify the criteria by being more precise.

  • Modify the number of results in the Tools - Options menu. This modification may cause longer search times


  • To accelerate the search time, being as precise as possible and avoiding ambiguities is advised. A search for "Screw" will be less effective than a search for "Hexagon head screw"

  • If you know that the part is in such-and-such project, then do not search in all the projects.

  • It is possible to reduce the number of results in the Tools - Options menu.