Display options: Texts





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This section allows to modify texts display options of TopSolid.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Tools > Options... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click "+" in front of the Display section in the left column.

  2. Select Texts.



Available options:


  • Fast drawing of texts: Certain maps may not display texts. In this case, uncheck the option.

  • Screen-sized objects scale factor: Certain screen-sized objects may appear too big or too small (references, geometric symbols, etc.), thus it is possible to modify the scale. This options applies to all screen-sized objects, without distinction.

  • Screen Font: Allows you to select the font of text and of sketch dimensions displayed on the screen.

  • Antialiasing: Allows to select the antialiasing (stairs effect) on texts.