Printing options: Multiple printing configuration





Links / Videos :



This section allows to configure the multiple printing for TopSolid.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Tools > Options... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click "+" in front of the Printing section in the left column.

  2. Select Multiple printing configuration.



The Reset button allows to restore the rubric to the installation configuration.



Available options:


  • Activate or not the printer.

  • Select the printer, the source (the printer may have several racks), the used paper, the format in TopSolid, check if it is a landscape mode or not, then enter a comment if needed.

  • Select the printer, the source and the paper use by default for all TopSolid formats non-defined above.

  • Check "Force printing on fallback printer" allows to not taken in account formats defined above.