Display options: Dynamic





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This section allows to modify dynamic display options of TopSolid.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Tools > Options... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click "+" in front of the Display section in the left column.

  2. Select Dynamic.



Available options:


  • Mouse

    • Mouse wheel zoom factor: Modifies the zoom value while using the wheel.

    • Redraw wait after a mouse wheel zooms: Allows you to modify the display duration of edges during dynamic zoom.

    • Detection Time: Allows you to modify the detection time of entities (display of centers, points in the draft).

    • Invert mouse wheel: Allows you to invert the direction of the zoom performed using the wheel mouse.

    • Center the dynamic rotation on detected face. If a face is selected and a rotation is asked, it will be centered on this face.

  • View transition:

    • Dynamic zoom transition: Defines the time that the zoom takes.

    • Dynamic camera transition: Defines the time that the rotation takes.

  • Performance:

    • Simplify drawing of draft in dynamic mode: Allows to simplify the display of draft when zooming or moving views.

    • Draw edges in dynamic mode : During a rotation or translation of a 3d geometry, edges can be displayed.

  • Keyboard rotation: Allows to enter a rotation angle in case of using keyboard arrows to rotate.