Facetted Shape Vertex Selection





Links / Videos :



In 3D documents, this command allows you to display the mesh of the facetted shapes in order to be able to select the face's vertex.

In drafting document, this command allows you to select a vertex when dimensioning faceted shapes.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Visualization > Picking filters > Facetted Shape Vertex Selection... command from the drop-down menu.


This command is a mode with 2 states, its launching activate the display of the facetted shape meshing of the document, it allows to select the vertex of triangular faces.



Facetted shapes are created either from a STL or IFC import, either with the Surface > Others > Conversion into Facetted Shape... command



Example of faceted shape created from a STL import:


Mode = Deactivated

Mode = Activated