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Cette command allows to  do a virtual visit inside an assembly document as if the user is walking inside it.


Creation Stages / Use:


In an assembly document, click on the icon or select the command Visualization > Walk-through... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click a point into the graphic area to define the start position of the observer.

  2. Click a second point to define the initial direction the observer is looking at.

  3. Use the keyboard keys to move the observer (see the Available Options chapter for more details on the keys settings).




While moving with the keyboard, it is possible to use the middle button of the mouse to rotate the view ( looking up, down, ...).



Available options:




While selection the Origin and target points, you can tick this option to see the scene from the top.




  • Character height:

Allows to set the camera height according to the selected origin point (the origin point represents the feet position and the height gives the eye position).


  • Field of view:

Allow to define the angle of the conic view. This represents the angular field of view. To get a visualization similar to a human eye, you must set this value to 60°.


  • Step length:

Represents the distance traveled each time you press the "Forward" key.


  • Max step height:

Represent the maximal height that can be get over when using the "Forward" key without using the "Jump" key.


  • Jump height:

Represent the height that can be reached when using the "Jump' key. A jump apply a forward displacement (using the step length value) combined with  a vertical displacement.


  • Speed:

This option allows to set the displacement speed while using the "Run" key.


  • Detect collisions:

If you untick this option, it will be possible to cross over obstacle. But it is still possible to climb up obstacle if they are smaller that the step height.





The displacement is made with the keyboard. The key setting is defined in "Tools > Options > Walk-through".


  • Forward, backward, Left and Right:

Each click apply a displacement equal to the step length. You can keep the key down to string steps together.


  • Run :

When clicking on this key, the "observer" keep moving forward at the defined speed. The displacement stops if an obstacle is met.


  • Jump:

Allows to jump on or over an obstacle if it is smaller than the jump height.