


Links / Videos:


This command modifies an element by applying a transformation, such as a deformation, rotation, translation, or symmetry.


Creation Stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Construction > Transforms > Transformation... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select elements to transform.

  2. Select the transformation to use.

  3. Validate



  • It is not possible to transform a planer or spatial sketch.

  • Transformation is an operation which is located in the operation tree.



Available Options:



The box allows to hide selected entities during the use of the command, to be able to select other entities more easily, especially those who were behind.




It is possible to edit the transformation to modify it by using the contextual menu from the operation.

It is also possible to replace a transformation by another type (for example a rotation by a scaling), by using the Replace the contextual menu after unrolling the transformation in the operations tree.