3D Sketch |
The sketch creation is done by clicking the icon.
A sketch is an element composed of geometric and constrained elements.
Creation Stages:
Choose the command 3D Sketch > Sketch.. from the drop down menu.
Spatial sketch may contain constrained planes as well as other geometries.
When creating a spatial sketch, 3 orthogonal planes corresponding to XY, XZ and YZ of sketch frame are created. Infinite construction lines corresponding to axes are also created like in a planer sketch. These geometrical entities are not modifiable.
The absolute frame is automatically displayed with perspective.
When the sketch is created, all commands from Spatial sketch are available. This mode is symbolized by the button containing the name of the sketch displayed in the top center of the graphic area, this button also allows you to exit the Sketch mode by validating it by clicking near the blue check. By clicking the red cross, you will quit the sketch edition and will cancel all what you have done during this edition. |
Additional Information:
This command is automatically used when using an entity creation command like Point, Line, Rectangle,...