Extract fillet or chamfer |
This command extract a fillet or chamfer operation from the FreeShape resolution. This operation is automatically recreated in the operation history for the part outside of the FreeShape resolution.
This command is only available in FreeShape edit mode. To do this, use the "Edit" command in the shape's popup menu to switch to resolution edit mode.
To finish editing in FreeShape, click the button at the top of the graphic area.
Creation Stages / Use:
Click the icon or select the FreeShape > Extract fillet or chamfer... from the drop-down menu.
Choose the type of operation to extract (fillet or chamfer).
Select the faces that correspond to the operation.
Modifications / Additional information:
After validating the command, the operation visually disappears from the part in the graphic zone. A new operation appears in the operation tree. When a FreeShape edit is validated, the operation (now outside of the FreeShape resolution) visually appears on the part. This new operation is handled like any other operation that you perform on the part with the usual functions.