Delete faces



Links / Videos:


This command removes a set of faces from FreeShape with the possibility of automatically filling the hole resulting from the removal of the faces.


This command is only available in FreeShape edit mode. To do this, use the "Edit" command in the shape's popup menu to switch to resolution edit mode.

To finish editing in FreeShape, click the button at the top of the graphic area.



Creation Stages / Use:


Click the icon or select FreeShape > Delete Faces... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the faces to remove.

  2. Validate.



Available Options:




Here you can choose the type of heal made on the hole resulting from removing faces.

  • None: leave the hole (no heal).

  • Cap: Attempt to create a surface to cap the hole.

  • Stretch: Attempt to stretch the neighboring faces until there is no more hole.

  • Blend: same principle as "Stretch" but is adapted to the deletion of the fillets.



Faces selection    



Heal = Blend     

Heal = None  


The Blend heal mode is not provided for deleting chamfers and only functions for fillet type surfaces.




Modifications / Additional information:


When you remove a face from a volume element without healing, it becomes surfacic.