Pattern on profile






This command can create a pattern on a profile.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Construction > Patterns > Pattern on Profile... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the profile.

  2. Select the pattern's starting point, if it is different than the profile's starting point.

  3. Select the pattern's end point, if it is different than the profile's end point.

  4. Enter the desired number. Patterns cannot be outside of the profile. If the value is too large, patterns will often be ignored. The calculation is done as follows: Spacing * (total number -1) must be less than the length between the patterns start and end points.. If no value is entered, the total number will be defined by TopSolid based on other parameters (spacing, etc.).

  5. Select a spacing type.


  • Angle:


The spacing is defined by the angles by selecting an axis of rotation. Check or uncheck spacing angle and enter a value.

  • If the total number = 5 and the angle of spacing = 10°, there will be five 10° patterns.

  • If the total number = 5 and the angle of spacing is grayed, there will be five patterns distributed across the profile.

  • If the total number is grayed and the angle of spacing = 10°, there will be as many 10° patterns as possible.

  • It is not possible to not have a total number or angle of spacing at once.

In the example below, the axis of rotation is the yellow axis.


Total count = 5 and spacing angle = 10°. Total count = 5 and spacing angle is grayed. Total count is grayed and spacing angle = 10°.

  • Distance:


The spacing is defined by the spacing distance. Check or uncheck spacing distance and enter a value.

  • If the total count = 5 and the spacing distance = 30mm, there will be five 30mm patterns.

  • If the total count is = 5 and the spacing distance is grayed, there will be five patterns distributed across the profile.

  • If the total count is grayed and the spacing distance = 30mm, there will be as many 30mm patterns as possible.

  • It is not possible to not have a total count or spacing distance at the same time.


Total count=5 and spacing distance=30mm. total count=5 and spacing distance is grayed. total count is grayed and spacing distance = 30mm.                                                                                                                                                                                      

  • Projected distance:

The spacing is defined according to a direction, not the curve. For example, ornamental spikes at the top of a portal will be defined according to the horizontal direction (like the spacing of bars), not according to the curvature.


  • Length:


Spacing is defined by the spacing length. Unlike the distance, which is a straight line from one point to another, the length follows the profile. Check or uncheck spacing length and enter a value.

  • If the total number = 5 and the spacing length = 30mm, there will be five 30mm patterns.

  • If the total number = 5 and the spacing length is grayed, there will be five patterns distributed across the profile.

  • If the total number is grayed and the spacing length = 30mm, there will be as many 30mm patterns as possible.

  • It is not possible to not have a total number or spacing length at the same time.



Total number=5 and spacing length=30mm. total number=5 and spacing length grayed. total number grayed and spacing length= 30mm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • Parameter:


When the profile is more complex (ellipse, spline, etc.), the processing time may be longer with the spacing types above. The parameter type is faster. In this case, enter the total count.



  1. Choose an orientation.


  • String:


This orientation guides the frame in the direction of the next frame, which is very useful for chain links, for example. The vertical axis chosen for this capture is the Y axis.

  • Constant:


The orientation does not change. It remains constant with respect to the first.

  • Frenet:


The Frenet frame is "supported" by the tangent and curvature of the profile.

  • Normal to a shape:

Select the shape. The pattern moves, maintaining a normal orientation to the shape. (the sphere in this example).

  • Normal:

Select a vertical direction. The pattern moves, maintaining a normal orientation in that direction.

  • Vertical:

Select a vertical direction. The pattern moves, maintaining a vertical orientation with respect to that direction.

  • Vertical on shape:

Select the shape. The pattern moves, maintaining a vertical orientation with respect to that shape.




  • If Alternate numbering is not checked, the entities are numbered incrementally from the first to the last, which can be problematic if, for example, a part is positioned on the last hole (e.g. no. 4). If the number of holes increases, the part remains in its place (on the 4th hole), but if the number of holes decreases, its position shall be invalidated because there no longer is a 4th hole.

  • If Alternated numbering is checked, the first entity is number 1, the last is 2  and all others in incremental. In this case, if, for example a part is positioned on the last hole (numbered 2), regardless of the change in the number of holes, the part will remain on the last hole.



  • The value 1 can be entered. In this case, repetition has no effect. This case is useful for family with, for example, one or several drills based on the diameter.

  • In the 3D repetitions (crown and cylinder):

- If the first total count is 1, there is no repetition.

- If the second total number is 1, the pattern is equivalent to the simple version (circle).