





This command allows to modify attributes (color and style segments) of selected sketch entities.


Creation stages / Use:


This command is only accessible from a popup menu displayed after selecting an element.


  1. Select geometries.

  2. Select a category to use the predefined type and color for this category. These values are defined in the sketch style .

  3. Modify, if needed, the type and color of entities.

  4. Check half tone to have a half tone color.(the black becomes grey, the red pink, ....)

  5. Validate by clicking .



Only the selected entities of the sketch will have their attributes changed. If all the sketch has to change its color and/or its layer, use the Attributes contextual menu.



Modifications / Additional information:


It is the representation displayed when the type, the thickness or the color have not been modified and correspond to the predefined style. Just click the cell to choose the customization.

Allows to delete the customization by coming back to the predefined values of the style. The type of segment and its thickness are linked. By deleting one, the other is also deleted.