Allows to manage the profiles sewing.

    • Automatic: Different entities (lines, arcs, splines, ...) are automatically sewed together to create a profile. The result can be extruded.

    • Semi-automatic: Several closed profiles can be side-by-side. The extrusion will always be possible. (see the example below).

    • Manual: Different entities (lines, arcs, splines, ...) are not sewed together to create a profile. This sew operation has to be done manually by using the Profile command. Non sewed profiles are displayed with thin lines, they can be extruded.

    • None: It will not be possible to sew different entities (lines, arcs, splines, ...) to create a profile.


Automatic mode:

The profile on the left has been added. Its incompatible segments with an extrusion are dotted. The extrusion result will be a surfacic square and a flat surface (extrusion of the line).

Semi-automatic mode:

The profile on the left has been added. Segments are not dotted. The extrusion is not possible.


Allows to manage error messages when validating the sketch.

    • Not self-intersecting: If this option is checked, when validating the sketch with self-intersectings (some entities cross themselves), an error message will be displayed. It is recommended to check this option. It is only working with the automatic mode.

    • Not under-constrained: If this option is checked, when validating an under-constrained sketch (entities are magenta), an error message will be displayed. It is recommended to uncheck this option.


Allows to clean edges copies or passings on imported shapes edges or profiles. In some case, edges are not contiguously. This option allows to adapt the sketch geometry to have the coincidence.

    • Position tolerance: if the line (by passing or edge copying) is slightly offset regarding its support, TopSolid will consider it is coincident if it regards the entered tolerance.

    • Tangency tolerance: if a line and an arc (by passing or by edge copying) are slightly offset regarding their support, TopSolid will consider they are tangent if they regard the entered tolerance.

    • Local: If a vertex is slightly offset regarding its support and it regards the entered tolerance, the geometry will be slightly moved to add a coincidence constraint.

    • Global: If a vertex is slightly offset regarding its support and it regards the entered tolerance, all profile geometries will be slightly moved to add a coincidence constraint. This mode allows a smaller and more precise displacement, but it is longer to calculate.


Allows to extend passing or edges copying splines. If this option is unchecked, the spline extremity can only be extended following its reference edge.

    • Linear: The extend of the spline is possible outside its reference edge by following a line.

    • Circular: The extend of the spline is possible outside its reference edge by following an arc.