





This command allows to consider a line as a structure to mesh.

Frequently, the part coming from the R&D department is too detailed (fillets, small chamfers, or complete part while the analysis needs only a wireframe structure, ...). In these cases, the part to analyze has to be simplified without modifying the origin part. Modifications are done with all TopSolid sketch, shape and surface commands. After modifications, to be able to mesh these modified profiles, you need to generate beams with this command. If the modification result is a solid, use the Solid command, if the result is a batch of faces, use the Shell command. This command can be useful for a tubular frame.



A beam is a line (wireframe) with a constant section (Corner, U, I, square, tube, ...)




Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Analysis > Beam... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select lines to analyze.

  2. Select if the beam is from a standard library or defined manually. (see below)

  3. Select the direction of the beam and its orientation.

  4. Select the material category and the material of the beam.

  5. Select a section in the drop-down list.(Beams must have the same section).

  6. The section is displayed in the middle of the line. Enter section dimensions and modify the orientation if needed (rotation around the line).

  7. Validate by clicking .



If several lines have been selected, they will all have the same material and section. If the material and/or the section must be different, you have to select only lines with the first material or section, validate the command, and select other lines.



Converted beams with this command are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree. Only entities from this folder can be meshed.





The beam is selected in one of the libraries. Select:

  • The profile in the drop-down list

  • The code of this profile




The beam is manually defined. Select:

  • The type of section in the drop-down list (Beams must have the same dimensions).

  • The section is displayed in the middle of the line. Enter the section dimensions, and modify the orientation if needed (rotation around the line).


Modifications / Additional information:


By validating this command, the converted beams are listed in the Structures folder of the entities tree.