Report Generation








This command allows you to create the analysis report. This command requires the use of a report definition document.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Results > Report Generation... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select a report template in the drop-down list (in this case, the template has to be opened) or click on Browse.



  • Regarding the type of structure and of analysis, different type of reports are available in the TopSolid Mechanical library.

  • Additional images can be added by using the Result > Images Capture command.




Report name:

Enter the report name. A name is proposed by default, regarding the type of analysis.


Include in project:

This option allows to add the generated report in the current project.


Format of export:

If Include in Project is checked, the report is saved in the project in the format selected from the list. The format can be a pdf or a Word (.doc or .docx)