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This command allows to create combination of actions and/or loads.

Combinations allow to quickly test several hypotheses (eg to analyze a building structure with variation of snow mass on the roof, add wind, ...).


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Analysis > Combination... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select an action and enter its coefficient.

  2. Select a load and enter its coefficient.

  3. Validate by clicking .




You can enter only actions, only loads or both.

The solver will display one result by combination.



If the dialog is validated when no coefficient has been specified, then the combination will not be created.

Loads not used into actions or combinations will not be used in analyze results.






The coefficient allows to vary the loading value during the analysis resolution.

A load of 50MPa will be interpreted at 150MPa if its coefficient is 3.



Modifications / Additional information:


Combinations may be found in the entity tree in the detail of the affected analysis.