Cooling Attributes
This command is used to define the cooling attributes applied by default in the Cooling Circuit operation.
Creation stages / Use:
Choose the Mold > Cooling Attributes... command from the Options tree of a Mold document.
Determine the transparency settings of the targets.
Choose the drilling attributes.
Determine the safety margin attributes
Choose the component colors.
Validate .
Available options:
Automatic color: The holes created according to the style associated with the cooling circuit will be represented according to this color in the sketch.
Forced color: Any changes concerning the drilling style (over-length, automatic components ...), or the drilling parameters defined in the cooling circuit (drilling diameter ...) will be materialized by this color.
Transparency: This option defines the transparency of the cooling positive in the cooling sketch.
Color: It is possible to set the color of the safety margin.
Transparency: The option allows to draw the safety margin of the desired transparency.
Wireframe rendering: is also possible to choose to display the margin in wireframe.
Automatic color: The components automatically included by the style associated with the cooling circuit will be represented according to this color in the sketch.
Forced color: Any changes concerning the components automatically included will be reflected by this component color in the sketch.
Modifications / Additional information: