Edit Component





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This command allows you to edit a component, from the cooling sketch, in order to modify it locally.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the component in the sketch to edit it with the contextual menu.


Available options:



  • Style : The global cooling circuit style is display to memory. This option allows you to modify it locally with editing it.

  • Drilling diameter: The drilling diameter where the component is included is reminded. This diameter is used to constraint the component.

  • Several scenarios are possible:

  • The global style is defined for all diameter, in Automatic mode. Only the components which respect the drilling diameter constraint are available. It is possible to Use best code, or if this option is deselected, choose one code from the list.

  • The global style is defined for all diameter. Deselect the Automatic mode, will not filter anymore the components linked to the diameter constraint. Use best code will not be available anymore, it will be necessary to choose the reference of the desired component in the list.

  • The global style is defined for one explicit diameter. The component reference will be modifiable only with editing locally the style. It will be necessary to choose the reference of the desired component in the list.


After any local modification of the style, the component will be uncoupled from the cooling circuit style of the circuit.




This section allows you to orientate the component with driving:

  • Reference direction: It defines the orientation angle origin.

  • Orientation: It allows you to orientate the component following a given angle.



These two options will not uncouple the component from the cooling circuit style of the circuit.

In the particular case of a Seal:

  • Reverse: It allows you to include the seal in the other part.



If the chosen component is a Baffle, it is possible to modify its length:

  • Length: It allows you to give a rounded value to the length.


After any local modification of the style, the baffle will be uncoupled from the cooling circuit style of the circuit.



If the chosen component is a component manually included:

  • Color: It allows you to give a new color the selected component, outside of the cooling sketch.