Include Component





Links / Videos :



This command allows you to include manually a component in the cooling sketch.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the  icon or select the 3D Sketch > Cooling > Include Component... command from the drop-down menu. It is also possible to launch it from the context menu  from a cooling sketch segment.


  1. Select the component to include.

  2. Position it.

  3. Choose its color.

  4. Validate .



In the cooling sketch, the manually included components will be purple, to differentiate them from the automatically included components, which are green.



Available options:



  • Manufacturer: This option allows you to filter the components available in the chosen manufacturer. Only the manufacturers with cooling components will be listed.

  • Function: This option allows you to choose the component type to include. Only cooling functions are available:

    • Baffle

    • Extension

    • Fitting

    • Plug

    • Seal

  • Automatic dimensioning: This option allows you to activate the dimensioning constraint following the diameter of the selected drilling. It allows you to filter the code list of the chosen component, in order to display only the ones whitwh respect this constraint.

  • Use best code: If the automatic dimensioning is activated, this option allows you to choose automatically the best code from the available codes list.



  • Drilling: It allows you to choose the drilling where include the component.

  • Position: A dimension will automatically created between the drilling exit and the selected point.

  • Reverse: This option allows you to reverse the positioning frame of the component.

  • Reference direction and Orientation : These options allow you to orientate the component around the chosen drilling axis.



  • Color: It allows you to give the color component after leaving the sketch.