Cooling Circuit Process







This command allows you to create the process of the selected Cooling circuit. The drillings in plates are created, and the component process command is launched automatically.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Mold > Cooling Circuit Process... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the wanted cooling circuit.

  2. Validate .


Available options:



  • Cooling Circuit: With this option it is possible to select the cooling circuit for which to create the process.

  • Exclusions: This field allows you to choose circuit components for which you do not create their process.

  • Hide: This option allows you to hide temporary the selected components during the command.



  • Representations : This option allows you to choose to create the process of the positive cooling circuit in all the representations, or only in the detailed representation.

  • Machining process: This option allows to assign a machining process to the drillings. This machining process is recognized by TopSolid'Cam. It can also assign a color to the operation.

    1. Select a machining processes document in the drop-down list.

    2. Select a  process in the drop-down list.


Modifications / Additional information: