The second part is composed of tabs:



  • Document type for shapes. Allows to choose the document type to create when there are one or several shapes in the document to import. For example, if the file to import has several shapes, it is possible to import them in one Part document, in this case each shape will be a shape or to import them in an Assembly document, each shape will become a Part.

  • Document type for assemblies. Allows to choose the document type to create when there are one or several parts in the document to import. For example, if the file to import has several parts, it is possible to import them in one Part document, in this case each part will be a shape or to import them in an Assembly document, each part will become a Part. It is also possible de select Mold.



Overall, the destination document type acn be chosen during the 3d import (X_T, Step, Catia, SW, SE, Inventor ….) and this, for parts and assemblies.



  • Convert Attributes: This option allows you to retrieve attributes (colors, transparencies, levels, ...) from different entities.



  • Simplify Geometry: This option allows to repair some surfaces before conversion.  

  • Sew surfaces: If the file to import contains a group of surfaces, this options allows to automatically sew them together before converting them.   

  • Linear Tolerance: If Simplify or Sewing are selected, the linear tolerance may be modified.

These treatments are done before the TopSolid entities and documents creation. They are less powerful than the equivalent commands Simplify and Sewing which are usable after the geometry conversion.




Allows to choose the template document to use for parts and assemblies created during import. For example, it is possible to use a Steel Part as template, so each imported parts will be with Steel.