Snapped camera




During a dynamic modification of the orientation of the main view, this mode allows the closest standard orientation to be recognized and applied to the view.




Click on the icon or select the mode View > Snapped camera... from the drop down menu.



  • Snapped camera mode active:


1. Edit a main view.

2. Bring mouse pointer onto the view then press middle button.

3. Turn the view to orient it close to a standard orientation.

4. Release middle button.

5. The closest standard orientation is applied to the view.


  • Snapped camera mode non active:


1. Edit a main view.

2. Bring mouse pointer onto the view then press middle button.

3. Turn the view.

4. Release middle button.

5. The orientation defined is kept.



This mode is activated by default. When it is deactivated, it is then possible to give an arbitrary orientation to the view.