Cone Note




Links / Videos :



This command allows to create a note displaying the conicity of a conical face.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Detailing > Cone Note... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select a segment of a conical face (conical faces can be selected only)

  2. Choose the cone note style.

  3. Locate the note on the drawing.




The conicity named C is defined according to the following formula:



Available options:




Allows to define the framing of the note and also its color.

  • Framing: Allows to frame the text. Available frames are: None, Underlined, framed, flagged, Circled or In a triangle.


  • Dimension line text offset: Allows to define the position of the text according to the dimension line (see the picture in the Cone Symbol paragraph).


  • Color: To use another color, select the color cell and select a new one to use. To remove the color, use the icon.





Export cone symbol: Allows you to locate the cone symbol above the dimension line or on the dimension line.


Exported cone symbol

Non exported cone symbol


Description of the use of the other parameters:







  • Allows to modify dimension extremities: leader style, size, ...



Modifications / Additional information:


The cone note text is always parallel to the cone axis.