Drilling note







This command allows a note to be applied quickly to a drilling by indicating the information suitable for the selected geometry.


Creation stages:


Click the icon or select the Detailing > Drilling note... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the geometry.

  2. The Hook on axis option allows to select one of the drilling lines or entry points and to automatically hook the note on the axis of this drilling.

  3. Select a Drilling note style or create a new one by clicking on " + ".

  4. Position the drilling note.

  5. If needed, edit the note to modify/complete by checking the Hole, Tapping, .... option then by clicking on Edit...

  6. Validate by clicking .



The selection of a geometry automatically filters the different options (hole, counter sinking, spot facing, ...) to only propose that corresponding to the selected item.



By moving the cursor on the Edit ... button, the tooltip displays information given by the drilling note.



Available Options:



Position the entering rectangle.



  • By dragging one of the blue points, the frame can be increased following X and Y. By dragging a side of this rectangle, it can be moved following this direction.

  • The text width is limited to the rectangle border, then it continues to the following line, but if the rectangle is resized, the text is resized.

  • To force the text to be multi-lines without regarding the rectangle size, use CTRL + ENTER keys.

  • A double-click edits the created text.



Click the image to have some help.


During the text entering, click needed buttons to change colors or add text parameters.



  • Each line has its own alignment.

  • Each character has its own attributes (color, font, ...)



  • When a text parameter is used, its value is displayed on a gray background. Its value automatically changes if the parameter changes.

  • It is possible to double-click this parameter to add prefix/suffix or change its format (number of digits, unit, ...).




Select the drilling note style to use : normal style (style by default) or a customized drilling note style.


The merger by axis is used to group in the same note the drillings on a same axis by considering or not the reversed drillings. Sorting can be done by increasing diameter (by separating the reversed drillings from the non-reversed drillings) or altitude.

Count of identical drillings is done by taking into account the drilling characteristics (type, tolerance, tapping information…), as well as the diameter and the depth or not.


Allows to define the framing of the note and its line color.

  • Framing: Allows to frame the note. possible frames are: None, Underlined, Framed, Flagged.

  • Margin: Allows to adjust a distance between the text and its frame.

  • Radial mode: If this option is activated, the arrow origine is on the center of the text enclosing box and it is limited by its frame.

  • Color: To use another color, select the color cell and select a new one to use. To remove this color, use the icon.

  • Layer: Assign a layer to the element. The layer can be created on the fly by clicking the "+".




  • Allows to modify dimension extremities: leader style, size, ...





To change an existing note, just select it with right button and select the command Edit.