Options : Assembly - Extruded Bars






This section allows to modify the extruded bars options.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Tools > Options... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click [+] in front of the Assembly section in the left column.

  2. Select Extruded Bars.



Available options:



  • Reset offsets during the new extruded bar creation:

When this option is checked, the offsets values are reset to zero during the inclusion of a profile.

When this option is unchecked, the previous offsets values are kept during the inclusion of a profile.


  • Trimming angle measure:

Allow to choose the trimming angle measure method. The Angle mode is the old mode (before TopSolid 7.9 SP7), the new mode is now Angles and Orientations and is set by default.

To activate this option on old assemblies document, just regenerate them.


  • Allows Length measure:

Allows to choose if the length for profile during measures is on axis or overall or extended.


  • Drag and drop:

This option allows you to choose the command to launch (Assembly > Inclusion... or Modeling > Extruded bar...) during the drag and drop  from the project of an extruded bar previously included.


  • Ctrl + drag:

This option allows you to choose the command to launch (Assembly > Inclusion... or Modeling > Extruded bar...) during the Ctrl + drag of an extruded bar.