





This command allows you to apply a specific coating on top of the existing material of a shape, such as a sticker.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Shapes > Other Operations > Decal... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the faces.

  2. Select the decal texture.




A decal texture must be created.



Available Options:



  1. Select the orientation frame of the texture.

  2. Select its projection type (for projection onto a planar or cylindrical face).

  3. Enter the horizontal and vertical offsets of the origin point projected onto the face, as well as the angle of the texture in relation to this frame.



  1. Check the Keep Proportions box in order to not deform the texture.

  2. Check the Adjust Width or Adjust Height box and enter the value. When the Keep Proportions option is checked, one side can be adjusted.



  1. Set the specular brightness by sliding the cursor. This is the color's light reflection on the part generated by a light source. For plastic material, the specular color is the same as the diffused color; for metals, the specular color is white.

  2. Set the specular spread by sliding the cursor. The brightness of the material is changed. The higher the brightness, the more the material reflects lights.


Example of a decal applied to an object.


Modifications / Additional information:


You can modify using the popup menu or the operations tree.