





The Set command allows to insert different sub-parts of the assembly in different sets.

It displays the list of parts and sub-assemblies of the document and allows to select their sub parts.


Creation Stages / Use:


In an assembly or exploded document, select the Tools > Sets > Set... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the set name.

  2. Select the entities to be included in the set.

  3. Select parts and sub-assemblies to be included.

  4. Validate the creation of the set by clicking on .



  • You can drag a set in a set from the entities tree.

  • An entity can belong to several sets.



Entities can be dragged to the desired set from the entity tree.



Available Options:



Modifications / Additional information:


All modification commands (edit, hide, show, etc.) can be performed contextually on the Sets folder in the entity tree.


When a document is derived, the sets can be inherited from the source document.

The inherited stes can be edited from the entities tree in order to add new entities. However, the inherited entities cannot be removed.