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This command allows to enable or disable manual modification of the bill of material content.

When it is activated, the cell content modification does not affect the template document.

When it is disabled, the cell content modifications are transmitted to the template file which is also updated with these new values.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Bill of material > Scraping... command from the drop-down menu.




When a cell content is modified, it background becomes yellow. This help to know which cell are not linked anymore with the template document information.

On the tab document, the icon  allows you to move down to the next modified cell on the table



Modifications / Additional information:


You can reset the initial value of a modified cell by using the contextual command Restore Value.


When creating a bill of material table into a draft document, all the modified cells of the bill of material document are also displayed with the yellow background on the draft.